Stay Relevant on Social media: Business Tips

Social media marketing efforts are not only about posting and pushing content. 

If done without the right marketing strategy. A strategy that helps to gain awareness, increase traffic and generate you more leads. 

Learning to market online is an ongoing process and that keeps evolving with the evolution of trends and technologies. 

Yes, having a social media presence is necessary because your customers are spending maximum time there but it's a great tool for learning more about your target audience and connecting with audiences online, so they feel special and consider you as their one-stop shopping destination.


You might know about social media marketing but let’s know it better and more. 

What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing involves using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and TikTok to effectively reach a diversified mass and communicate with customers. 

Whether your business is small or large, keeping an active presence on social media will help you tap into the opportunities which are the potential leads. 

How to market?

Social media is pivotal to any business or brand but may seem daunting, especially for someone who doesn't know how to use different social platforms. 

We are here to provide you with some easy steps to promote your business on Social platforms. 

1. Identify your audience

We majorly give up on social media marketing when we try to reach everyone. Here's a trick to smart perform, understand your audience. 

Start with Who and Why? to understand your target mass. 

Our Approach to help you target better:

  • Compile data. In order to reach your target market, you need to know what they're like. Your audience's ages, locations and engagement rate can help you to market effectively. While it might seem overwhelming to you, our efforts can help you make your audience search easier and simpler. 
  • Social-media analytics. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter have in-built analytics that can give you brief information about followers, including what and when they post. And it’s all free. Explore and know more. 
  • Know your competition. Understanding your competition can give you insights and information about how you can target your audience. You can look at what your competitors are doing and find a gap and take advantage of it to improve and pitch better. 
  • By identifying your target audience, you can keep up to date with their interests and implement strategies to understand what they want. 

2. Define your goals and KPIs

To excel you need to create Smart goals that guide your objectives. 

What do we mean by Smart:

  • Specific - Be clear about the goals that guide your efforts. 
  • Measurable - Using metrics gets very important to track your goal. By tracking and measuring your metrics you'll understand your performance and level. 
  • Achievable - If you set goals that are unreasonable, you risk discouraging your employees and creating friction in your business plan. Setting specific, measurable goals will make sure you adjust them before reaching them. 

3. Use not just one platform

Targeting one social media platform is not going to help you as your customers are using multiple social media platforms. 

Depending on your audience, many of them may use Facebook, and Instagram, consistently giving you opportunities to get your content in front of them. 

4. Reflect on your brand identity

Brand identification can help you connect your business and set you apart from your competition. This means that marketing must be done consistently. 

Brands consistency can be challenging for many businesses, especially if you're nascent. But it's important across channels and that certainly includes social media. 

You should consider:

*How to talk to the audience, it shows your brand voice

*Posting across the platforms where it's relevant

5. Quality over Quantity

It’s a myth that pushing more posts will give you good traffic in return. 

Instead of posting multiple times a day on all platforms, you should focus on delivering consistent, quality posts. 

You can prioritize quality by asking- 

* Does my ad copy give me good followers

*Is the ad copy actionable, inspiring and entertaining

The questions can help you create quality content that'll engage and get you more followers. 



Social media marketing is necessary for your business to stand out. Your competition is using social media to help you reach new customers. 

We can help you to make your marketing on social media easier and more fun by strategizing your marketing plan and giving you effective results in return. 

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