Create Audience list now in minutes with GA4 Audience Builder!

We have a surprise for you, creating audiences for your targeted campaign will be easier and faster now, discover the magic of GA4's audience builder tool. 

You must be wondering but how? 

Don't worry! You simply need to link your Google Ads account to their analytics property. 

But wait, the process doesn't end here. 

We want you to go through the necessary steps and create a connection. 

The new update is going to make your work easier and save you a lot of time, not only that it will help you understand your customers across the funnel and enhance the campaigns. 

As per the Google's update, the new feature will be available in Google Ads in the upcoming months, helping you create and apply GA4 audiences to campaigns and it's all possible being in the platform. 

Get ready to streamline the audience creation process and let your SEM campaigns perform efficiently. 

Know the Cross-Product Model

The interlinking is easy thanks to Google Ads user-friendly UI but here are the basics for you to consider and understand. 

Google Ads has recently has introduced a cross-product access management model that will allow your GA4 admin property to set explicit permissions that are available for you to link your Google Ads Account. 

This means the GA4 admin will have the complete control to assign roles to different permissions in Google Ads, like Administrator, Standard and Read-only. Very similar to how Google Ads access management works. 

But these assigned roles will be important because the analytical feature embedded in your Google Ads Account will help you to create Analytics audiences from within the Google Ads UI. 

Import from GA4 to Google Ads

If you stay fit you will survive long similarly for your SEM campaign to flourish,  you have to stay tuned with Google Search updates and make the best of the latest features to fly high. 

Link so you don’t sink! 

You must link your Google Ads account to your GA4 Analytics property. 

Linking Google Ads to Google Analytics will allow you to get an overall understanding of your entire customer journey, tap into every user interaction with campaigns (such as how many clicks were received to a particular ad) to their behavior with respect to the CTA(call to action). 

Linking will help you get more in-depth reports and insights into user behaviour, that too in real-time. Isn't it amazing?

You will be able to see the Google Ads campaigns in the Acquisition Overview report and access to many Google Ads dimensions that you must be presently missing out on in the User Acquisition report. 

The Sync will let you import conversion Analytics data to your Google Ads account, helping you to enhance over your remarketing campaigns with Analytics audience data. 

Moreover, you will be able to see your Google Ads campaigns in the Advertising workspace, including the Attribution reports. 

How can I link my GA4 Property to my Google Ads Account

1. In your Google Analytics, click Admin

2. Under Product Links, click Google Ads Links

3. Click the Link

4. Click Choose Google Ads accounts, and select the ones you want to link


You have to make sure that you are using a particular Google Ads account with the correct permissions to link a property to your Google Ads. 

You must have the Editor role for the property that you want to link. 

In Google Ads, the same Google account needs administrative access. 

Please know that any specific data imported from Analytics will be available to all your client accounts if you link to a Google Ads Manager account. 


You will have direct access to the GA4 audience builder with the new Google Ads feature, which can help you to create and activate audiences from your campaigns in an easier way. 

 Not only that but you will also get an in-depth analytics data of all the products report which you could easily share with your clients, which will help you to make the important decisions faster without any hindrance. 

You will get more enhanced conversion tracking with analytical insights which you are missing out on currently. 

The integration will help you in many ways but to make your task easier you will now have strong Analytics audience data to make your remarketing campaigns work more efficiently. 


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